With the upcoming launch of Genius AI, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about our previous software VSL.AI

VSL.AI was the worlds first CoPilot for Direct Response Advertisers, and is very different from Genius.AI. Which is the worlds first Copilot purpose driven for Direct Sales Reps and Network Marketers.

Today We’re Excited to Announce

Merging of the Two Brands

Little AI Genius

The Vision of  Genius AI

Imagine if everyone had a “Little AI Genius” that is programmed to be just like you yet is a master at your specific craft, guiding you every step of the way to achieve your goals and reducing your time to results by 100x!

That’s the future Genius believes in and today we will be taking the next step towards that vision.

By absorbing the VSL.AI brand and technology, Genius AI can now offer it’s customers a new CoPilot to not only sell to a growing target market, but also use to help them with their advertising capabilities.

What’s the Difference Between Genius.AI and VSL.AI?


Genius AI was designed to help Direct Sales Reps and Network Marketers build their brand, tease their products, and convert engagement into sales.

With Genius AI You have

LLM- Agnostic Platform

Model Fine-tuning: personality adaptation

Build Your Brand: a tailored feature set guiding our customers through proven methodologies to grow their personal brand.

Product Positioning: how to showcase your products value prop and generate interest.

How To Close: step by step assistance on how to convert those active conversations


VSL.AI was designed was designed to help advertisers create Facebook Ads and Youtube ads that can help anyone sell their products at a profit.

With Genius AI You have

Make VSL Hooks, Leads, and Closes

Proven Advertorials & Landing Page Writing

Build your own Swipe File

Multiple types of Email copy

Where Will You Find Access To The VSL.AI Technology

Starting today,  we are shutting down access for new members to join VSL.AI and terminated our affiliate program.

Previous VSL AI members can still login and will be grandfathered in at the previous price.

VSL AI will be rebranded within the Genius Ecosystem to be called Advertising Genius

We are beginning the process of absorbing VSL.AI into Genius.AI and upgrading VSL AI into an LLM agnostic technology. And we are very excited to announce we are beginning our hunt for a talented project manager who can help complete the full vision for Advertising Genius.

That is, to become a world-class advertising creative machine that automatically makes "ready to launch" ad campaigns that convert for any product. Automatically writes the copy, adds the voice over, makes the video, creates the B-Roll, media buys, and self optimizes to make profitable ads possible for everybody. No dreams left behind.

Unfortunately for now, access to new VSL.AI members will currently be stopped as we execute on this merger.

This is because of an exciting new and exclusive reselling partnership we have with Awakend Nation & Q Sciences. All sales will be going through their sales channels to make this partnership a truly exclusive opportunity.

Thank you so much! We are very excited for the future we have in store.

-Peter Kell

Pre-sales for Genius AI starts January 26th and officially launches February 6th